Kathodon, Ecumenism,issue 14

Kathodon, Ecumenism,issue 14 (1998), pp. 128

The issue number 14 of the Greek theological journal Kathodonis dedicated to the ecumenical vision and the future of ecumenism.

M. Konstantinou introduces the idea of this special edition, gives historical information and raises several questions concerning the future of ecumenism.

Father George Tsetsis presents the attitude of ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople towards the WCC.

In a short paper, N. Zacharopoulos explains why he finds important to keep our ecumenical vision alive.

In his article entitled “The ecumenical vision in times of globalization,” J. Petrou who is a sociologist, argues that in order to serve the ecumenical vision, we have to focus on ecumenical virtues and values like tolerance, respect, cooperation, dialogue, fraternity.

In this issue, the conclusions of a meeting of WCC and the Council of Churches in the Middle East (Syria, 5-10 March 1997) are published. The meeting dealt with the problem of the different times of Easter celebration in Christianity and made suggestions for the overcoming of the problem.

Dagmar Heller demonstrates the difficulties at finding a date for the common celebration of Easter and explains how important it is for Christians to celebrate Easter together for the unity of Christianity.

K. Kyriazopoulos discusses the case of the Roman Catholic bishop Jacques Gaillot and explains the canonical dimensions of the issue.

Hans Ucko argues for inclusivity within the ecumenical movement, for WCC seems to be fighting only for the unity of Christian Churches.

Α. Argyriou presents the problems faced by Orthodoxy and Islam alike when they have to deal with the challenges of modern world.

Tarek Mitri develops his thoughts about the future of Christian-Muslim dialogue.

Herbert Schultze’s review article explores the way that the text books and the educational material of some European countries present Islam and G. Tsakalidis’ paper does the same for the Greek text books of Geography.

The issue includes three poems, four book reviews and the regular comments on contemporary issues.