Kath’ Odon 15, “State and Church”

Kath’ Odon 15, “State and Church”, 1999, p. 104

            The 15th volume of Kath’ Odon with the title “State and Church” contains 10 main articles which analyze the different options and parameters of the theme.

            The first article is written by Nikos Zacharopoulos and has the title “State and Church. Looking for the relation and the differences in today’s reality”. The author is approaching the theme historically and he concludes that the secularization of the Church in Greece and its oppressive embrace with the state is an undeniable fact with consequences to her spirituality and other dimensions of her life. 

            Savvas Agouridis in his article “Ecumenicity of Orthodoxy and Ecumenicity of Hellenism” is analyzing the ecumenicity of both, orthodoxy and Hellenism, and he raises some questions concerning the misunderstanding of the term ecumenicity and the development of “a political Orthodoxy”.

            In his article with the title “Man, State, Church”, Ioannis Petrou is presenting his main reflection for the need of a new regulation of the relation between the state and the church.

            In the next article, Kostas Beis is analyzing the theme of the relation between state and church in connection with the religious conscience and the participation of the person in the religious community, the ecclesiastical organization, the transition to the ecclesiastical power and authority, the phenomenon of the Eastern Orthodox Church of Greece as the predominant religion in Greece etc. He closes his article with his reflection on the future.

            M. Stathopoulos presents the constitutional fortification of religious freedom and the relation between the State and the Church.

            In his article Kyriakos Kyriazopoulos raise the question of why the constitutional term “the predominant religion” seems to mean “the first among equal” and he analyzes the forgotten right of the equality before the law.

            Georgios Poulis is writing about the constitutional fortification of the canons of the Church as the starting point for the understanding of the relation between the Church and the State.

            N. Bougatsos in his article, examines the presupposition of a good relation between the Church and the State.

            Sofia Karakosta is examining the relation between the Church and the State in the Byzantine era and its influence on the determination of the political ideology of that period.

            Moustafa Moustafa is referring to the issue of the State and national minorities.

            The volume contains three poems written by Dimitris Tsinikopoulos and Georgios Tsinalakis. Additionally there are events in moment as such: the 5th General Assembly of the Ecumenical Forum of European Christian Women, El Escorial- Madrid, 4-10 June 1988 and the 8th General Assembly of the World Council of Churches, 3-14 December 1998, Harare Zimbabwe. The volume closes with the new recent editions.