Bulletin of Biblical Studies, vol. 20, January-June 2001

Bulletin of Biblical Studies, vol. 20, January-June 2001, year 30, p. 128.

The January-June 2001 issue of the Bulletin of Biblical Studies contains five (5) articles.

K. Papathanasiou refers to the meaning of the term “cosmos” in the D gospel that is also a guide-line idea of the specific gospel. In the article he analyzes the par excellence and very characteristic meaning of the term: the world as “cosmos”, that is as the humanity that insists on the infidelity that repels the love of God and prefers darkness to light, as the area of sin and evil. In this fame, he examines the content of “cosmos”, the essence, the sin and its people, the relationship of Jesus and his disciples with it and, finally, the hatred and its lord.

R. Miller attempts a philological analysis of Psalms 113 and 137, focusing his interest on the structure of the Psalms.

H. Atmatzidis attempts a simple approach to the issue of the miracle of the satiation of the five thousand according to the fundamentalist way of approach of the new-testament passage. Initially, he presents some data in relation to the term “fundamentalism” and the history of this theological trend. Next, he attempts the interpretation of the miracle, based on the three theological positions-principles of fundamentalism-faith to the letter to the divine inspiration of the H. S., Christocentricity of the narration and historical character of the miracle-, quoting where necessary hermeneutical approaches of the historico-critical method as well, relevant to the passage, and comparing them. Finally, he mentions the in-between relationship of these two trends.

M. Adeyemi investigates ap. Paul's opinion about the potential means of salvation from the supernatural powers of darkness, the way it is depicted in his epistles. In this frame, he presents the Pauline positions on the determining victory of Christ over the powers of evil, on the constant fight of the Christians against them and the spiritual weapons that are required by the Christians for the relentless fight against the spiritual powers of darkness.

S. Agouridis analyzes in detail the whole of ch. 11 of the D gospel that also contains the story of Lazarus' ressurection. The specific chapter is a hub in the D gospel as it functions as a prologue to the story of the Passion.

Next follows a book review of K.Belezou on the collective work that was edited by G. Bodendorfer and M. Millard, Bibel und Midrasch. Zur Bedeutung der rabbinischen Exegese fuer die Bibelwissenschaft, Forschungen zum Alten Testament, Bd. 22, Tuebingen 1998, Mohr Siebeck.