Bulletin of Biblical Studies, vol. 20, July-December 2001

Bulletin of Biblical Studies, vol. 20, July-December 2001, year 30, p. 152.

The July-December 2001 issue of the Bulletin of Biblical Studies contains four (4) articles.

Robert F. O' Toole, S. J. attempts to pinpoint with the greatest possible precision the sense of “power” in Luke's theological approach, that is, of the gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. So, he examines all the ways of dealing with this concept, the various forms of “power” (for the missionary activity, the performance of miracles, the appointment of successors, the taking of the necessary for the community decisions, the baptism and the breaking of the bread) and its significance and who practises it and in which way.

K. Papathanasiou, referring to the issue of the catholicity of the D gospel, focuses his attention on the concept of “light”, the way it appears in the H. S. and especially in the specific gospel. In this frame, he talks of a Christology in light, based on John 8, 12 and analyzes the anthropological cosequences that derive from it.

A. Soumeka presents the archeological findings of Kuntillet 'Ajrud (building, inscriptions, etc) that is located on a remote hill in the desert of Sina and dates back to the Iron Age, highlighting its importance for the study of the early Judean history and religion.

S. Agouridis deals with the issue of the diversity of variations of the faith to Jesus that appear in persons or groups except his disciples and his Judean opponents, focusing on John 2,23-3,36. In this frame, he examines the faith to Jesus' person that is caused by the miracles-“signs” that he performed and its quality, the erroneous faith of Nikodemos and, finally, the beliefs of the disciples of John the Baptist for the person and the work of Jesus, while making a special reference to the relationship between these two persons as well.

Next follows the review of Chr. Karakolis on the book of Otfried Hofius, Neutestamentliche Studien, Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 132, Tuebingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2000.