Bulletin of Biblical Studies, vol. 21-22, January 2002- December 2003

Bulletin of Biblical Studies, vol. 21-22, January 2002- December 2003, year 31-32, p. 432.

The January 2002 - December 2003 issue of the Bulletin of Biblical Studies is a tribute to professor S. Agouridis and contains twenty-two (22) articles.

G. Patronos presents the life, studies, the scientific and auctorial work as well as the broader social activity of S. Agouridis.

D. Doikos attempts in three unities the investigation of the enigmatic writing of MT and its vague rendering, “τααποκείμενααυτώ” (=these that await him), of the O' of Gen. 49, 10ba.

D. Kaimakis analyzes the issue of the election in the O. T.. In this frame, he describes the meaning of the sense of the fact of Israel's election byYahweh, the historical side of the issue and, finally, the theology of election.

Chr. Karakolis reports how Jesus is described in the D gospel and is, in fact, identified with the revealed God of the O. T. and the sotiriological consequences of this identification.

P. Vassiliadis refers to the way that the tradition and the first-christian literature on Jesus was dislocated by the eschatological, empirical motif of Q to the historical one of the type of Mark's gospel.

S. Despotis examines narrations of the synoptic gospels, in which coins are involved, so as to examine the real, but also the theological role that these play in them.

I. Karavidopoulos presents and analyzes the revival of the interest of biblical researchers for the quest of the historical Jesus that prevails from the 80's and onwards and has prevailed as the “third quest”.

H. Oikonomou epigrammatically mentions the sociopolitical plannings of globalisation and then approaches the issue through the data of the Paulean theology.

D. Passakos approaches the issue of the distinction between holy and sacrilegious, clean and unclean, the way it is presented through the different on the issue understandings that are met in the whole of the N. T..

G. Rigopoulos approaches the great apostolic eulogy, 2 Kor. 13,13 hermeneutically, claiming that it should be interpreted only under the light of the orthodox trinitology.

S. Sakkos moves on to a concise presentation of the theological teaching of the Revelation, confirming its full concordance with the respective one of the other books of the N. T. and especially the texts of John.

M. Goutzioudis presents in sort arrangement an important number of web pages and electronic material with free and not access on the internet about the biblical research and science.

K. Papadimitriou studies the way that the sermon on Jesus' resurrection was delivered by the first preachers to the Judeans and the heathen, the arguments, as well as the dialectic terms they used.

I. Petrou presents the modern speculation on the issue of salvation and, consequently, of sin and the ways to overcome it, which is connected to the level of the cultural perceptions and scientific knowledge.

D. Tsamis examines the position of Virgin Mary on the issue of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, the way it is presented in the patristic and ecclesiological grammatology.

N. Zacharopoulos presents the cultural, social, political and ecclesiastical frame of the time when st. Neophyte of Cyprus the Temperate (12th -13th cent.) lived.

Father K. Papadopulos examines if the pilgrimage of Alexander the Great in Jerusalem really happened.

G. Ziakas briefly presents the most basic elements of the Islamic faith, the situation today in the Islamic society, as well as the foundamental principles for the communication between Islam and Christianism.

Th. Papathanasiou analyses the information he collected by means of an empirical research on the issue of the contracting of the traditional African marriage, its structure and social function and the missionary role.

S. Papalexandropoulos compares the significance of the “absolute reality” for the pre-Socratic philosophers and the thinking of the Japan teacher of Zen Buddhism, Dogen.

D. Kyrtatas, through a historiographic approach that starts from Herodotus, investigates the way in which the study of war and religion has been established and their in-between relationship.

Th. Lipovats examines the place of Christianism and secularism in modernity and the role they had, as well as the one they are called to play today and in the near future.