Thriskeiologia – Holy/Profane, issue 2, January – March 2001

Thriskeiologia – Holy/Profane, issue 2, January – March 2001, pp. 208.


            The second issue, January – March 2001, of Thriskeiologia magazine–Holy/Profane includes 14 articles.

            The first part of the magazine (“Chronicles of Religious Studies”) consists of 2 articles.

            V. Adrachtas presents the basic theoretical scheme, the notion of holy revelation, through which M Eliade understands the repigious phenomenon.

            D. Bekridakis approaches in an introductory way the main views of E.From on religion and its relation to psychoanalysis and evaluates his views on religion from the point of view of Religious Studies.

            There follows the second part of the magazine (“Traditional Religions”) with 4 articles.

            A. Sakellarides examines the position of Heraclites in the theological field, especially concerning the cleansing rituals and religious rites.

            S Rozanis presents how the Septuangite reflects the relations and interaction between the jewish spirit and the Hellenistic era.

            D. Oulis focuses on the dialectic between law and freedom in the work of St Symeon the new theologian, demonstrating the inadequacy of the one-sided idealistic reading of the texts.

            M. Vardis presents in brief the life, work and teaching of the western mystic theologian M. Eckhart. At the end of the article he quotes in greek some abstracts of his works.

            The third part of the magazine is dedicated to the theme “a 2000-years-old God”, and includes 5 articles.

            It starts with an abstract, in greek, from the work of Ch. Guignebert, Jésus, LaRenaissanceduLivre, referring to the meaning of the name “Jesus” and the explanation “of Nazareth”.

            Then we find abstract in a unified form and in greek, from the work of J. Pelikan, JesusThroughtheCenturies, HisPlaceintheHistoryofCulture, 1999. In that text we find different views that the western civilization has concerning Jesus.

            D. Arkadas attempts a brief record of the history of research on “Historical Jesus” and of the priorities and criteria of contemporary western, mainly protestant, hermeneutics.

            P. Karamouzis presents E. Froms psychosocial and psychopolitical interpretation of the early doctrine of Jesus.

            S. Papadopoulos refers to the Incarnation of the Word of God as the foundation of existential transformation of human being.

            Next we find the fourth part of the magazine (“Contemporary Expressions of Holy”), which includes three articles.

            V. Arachtas’ text is the second part of his article on the role of mysticism in W. James. Here he examines the influences, the intellectual relations, the demands of that time and James’ interest on mysticism.

            Then, as an article for a new release, we read the first two chapters from the book of A. Paparizos, God, Power and religious conscience, (2001).

            G. Tsiantis presents and analyses Heidegger’s views on the issue of death.

            The issue closes with the “Pages of Dialogue – Book reviews”.