Kleronomia, Vol. 17, Issue A, January 1985, 216 pages.
This volume of Kleronomia includes 9 interesting essays and a bibliographic bulletin (review and books’ presentation).
I. Kalogirou makes an interesting study on the Christological foundation of the Orthodox Church’s teaching on the Virgin Mary. Through the description and analysis of important facts of church history (4th and 5th century) and the plentiful bibliography, the writer testifies the experience of the Orthodox Church on the Virgin Mary.
Ant. Papadopoulos examines the question of truth and the meaning of martyrdom. Through a biblical and patristic approach and also the presentation of various ecumenical texts, he analyzes the relation between faith and martyrdom. We find a similar work in Kleronomia volume 15 (1983), where Antonios Kompou, Metropolitan of Sisanio and Siatista, makes a systematic study of Christian attitude towards the secular power in the years of persecutions.
Vas. Kontovas presents seven manuscripts of the Church of Saint George in Chortiatis, Thessaloniki (chronology, material, dimensions, verses etc).
Dem. Constantelos studies the subject of the biblical structure of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. The writer makes a detailed description of all liturgical texts from the service of Matins and the Holy Eucharist.
Eleuthere Tr.Raffis makes one more effort to describe the legal-canonical existence of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, from 313 B.C. up to the Treaty of Lausanne, as well as the role of the Ecumenical Patriarch asPrimus inter pares. There is a similar work and in Kleronomia volume 16 (1984).
DeaconJohn Chryssavgis studies, in English, the meaning of contrition in the theological thought of John of Climax, as a mourning-gladdening grief.
Athanassios Karathanasis, through the pages of Discussions, further critiques the study of Mr. Branousis,L'hellenisme post byzantin et l' Europe.Manuscrits,Livres,Imprimeries,Athenes 1981. Similarly Mr. Kon. Bonis makes a critical presentation of the work of John VIII Xifilinou, Patriarch of Constantinople, Interpretative teachings or Homilitarion.
In the end we find a bibliographic bulletin with interesting books of this period.