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Kathodon,Woman: The human, issue 9

Kathodon,Woman: The human, issue 9 (1994), p. 168.

The 9th issue of journal Kathodon,is anattempt to approach as spherically as possible the trends and problematic of the modern feminist theology and only some characteristic examples of feminist theological thought are presented. In total, there are 15 articles published. In the beginning of the issue there is an introductory note by M. Konstantinou regarding the topic of the tribute and the writers of its articles.

A. Jensen presents her basic opinions on the development of the feminist thought in theology and the conclusions of her research on the position of women in early Christianity.

E. Adamtziloglou, referring to the feminist theology, analyzes the main characteristics, the methodological tactics and its interventions in all the sectors of the theological science and its relationship with Orthodox theology.

D. Koukoura, outlining the modern secular society, describes the role of the Orthodox woman in it and in the Church.

B. Stathokosta refers to the course of the female issue in the ecumenical movement, the ecumenical decade of W.C.C. on women and the steps of the Orthodox Churches in this field.

U. Schmith examines the prehistory of feminist theology in the frames of the ecumenical movement and the modern alienation between the traditional ecumenical and feminist theology.

M. Bingemer describes the violence and injustice experienced by women in Latin America in their Churches and communities and the role of women in the Old and New Testament.

U. King refers to the oppression that women experience in Churches, their faith and prophetic vision for a new society and Church free of discriminations.

B. Naumann presents the role attributed to women in the history of Europe, focusing on their modern role in Germany as well.

B. Lesjak attempts an analysis of the relations between feminist and ecological theology and suggests the construction by the Churches of a culture of life.

D. Vakalis transforms in the form of two epistles the book of Ruth of the Old Testament.

K. Chiotellis examines the contribution of women to the mission of the Church in the world under the light of an Orthodox ecclesiology of society and testifies proposals for the active participation of women in its work.

E. Pavlidou presents the greatest steps taken since the period of the B’ Vatican Synod in the Roman-Catholic Church for the appropriate treatment of woman and her role in the Church and the world.

A. Kyriazi refers to the position of woman in Europe and the EU policies for her role in society.

N. Glarnetatzis presents the female characteristics through the contemporary feminist trends, the meeting of theology and feminism and the so-called female characteristics of the Church.

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