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Kleronomia, Vol. 12, Issue A

Kleronomia, Vol. 12, Issue A, January 1980, 233 pages.

This volume of Kleronomia includes 8 interesting essays and a bibliographic bulletin.

N. Papadopoulos publishes three liturgical notes referring to the history of the ancient Church. The first is an extract from the prayer of the Alexandrian liturgy of the 3rd century; the second is the ordination of Saint Gregory, Bishop of Neokaisaria and the third, the ordination of Alexandria’s Bishop in the 2nd century. Experts on the Liturgy are very interested in the above notes.

Constantine Tsirpanlis studies from a biblical, philosophical and theological point of view, the question of the universal salvation – reinstatement of all- in the work of Saint Gregory of Nyssa.

Archimandrite Amfilohios presents the virtuous life of Christians in Christ, based on Gerontikon (Book of the Elders).

George Bergotis examines the meaning of time and especially the importance of calendar and liturgical time, in Christians’ life, from a pedagogical point of view.

Thanasis Papazotou, in his short article, explores the historical and archaeological testimonies of the Abbey of Sarabari (Mount Athos) in relation to the three big coenobitic groups of Megisti Lavra, Lavra of Iviron and Batopediou.

George Papazoglou presents an unpublished speech of the known Cretan scholar (16th century), monk Meletios Vlasios, with the title “Speech on Christ’s Holy Sacraments”, written in the Cretan language of that time.

Basil Stavridis presents a rich bibliography on Church History and P.K. Christou, through the pages of DISCUSSIONS, presents the work of professor N. Matsoukas about Maximus the Confessor.

Lat we find a bibliographic bulletin with interesting seasonal books.

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