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Klironomia, Vol. 16, Issue A

Klironomia, Vol. 16, Issue A, January 1984, 172 pages.

This volume of Kleronomia includes 3 interesting essays and a bibliographic bulletin (review and books’ presentation).

Eleytherios Raftis studies the institution and the Legal status of the Ecumenical Patriarchate from the Byzantine Empire up to the Ottoman Empire, as well as its modern history. There is also a similar work, in volume 11 of Kleronomia (1979), where Silas Koskinas, Bishop of New Yemen, presents extensively the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s role as a cultural power in America.

George Theodoroudis in his study examines the rhetorical methodology of Eustathios of Thessaloniki.

F.N. Nikitopoulou gives a bibliographic, review note on the publication of the “reward ”of the Holy Abbey of Saint John Theologos at the island of Patmos.

In the end we find a bibliographic bulletin with interesting books of this period.

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