Kleronomia, Vol. 13, Issue A, January 1981, 228 pages.
This issue of Kleronomia includes 9 interesting studies on St Basil the Great and book reviews.
Athanasios Aggelopoulos studies the reasons behind the prominent role that St Basil has in the minds and hearts of Greek people. According to the writer, this is due to the fact that St Basil in many ways formed the spiritual life and folk heritage of the Greek people.
J. Coman presents (in French) elements of anthropology in the work of St Basil. He focuses on the theme of creation, the human being made of body and soul and the theosis of man.
Theodoros Zisis presents the influence of Saint Basil the Great on monasticism. Basil did not only present numerous ascetical writings on the lives of the monks, but he managed to combine the two forms of monastic life, the hermit and the communal.
G. Heckelpresents (inGerman) theinfluenceof Saint BasiltheGreatand his place in the hagiography of the Evangelical Church.
Monk Athanasios Jevtic makes an analytical description of the different conflicts during the first Ecumenical Council and the way in which Saint Basil the Great helped theologically.
KonstantinosKallinikospresentsthehistoricalreasonsthat led to the Schism in Antioch. ThearticlepresentstheeffortsofStBasiland St Athanasios for the reconciliation among the different groups in Nicea.
Christos Krikonis analyzes St Basil’s views on the tradition of the Church. According to St Basil, anything written or oral given by the Apostles constitutes the written and oral tradition of the Church.
Constantine N. Tsirpanlis studies (in English) the theology of Saint Basil the Great on Pneumatology (De Spiritu Sancto) emphasizing on the notions “homotimia, homoousia, nature and theosis”.
Finally, PanagiotisChristouattemptsapresentationofStBasil’sviewonthecommunion of Churches. Saint Basilinsistsonthehumananddivine nature of Christ, being the head and the faithful being the body, both shaping the Church.
Finally followsabriefreviewof interesting books of the time.