Bulletin of Biblical Studies, Vol. 2, January - December 1982, issue 11, 64 pp.
The 2nd volume, January – December 1982, of the Bulletin of Biblical Studies includes four (4) articles.
Fr. X.Leon -Dufour presents the analysis of the 17th chapter of the Johaninne Gospel. The writer analyses progressively the entire text focusing on the importance of the interwining of sanctity with unity.
S. Agouridis attempts to articulate a series of elementary principles for a theology of Peace, drawing from Holy Scripture and the Liturgy. In this frame, he analyzes the doctrinal teaching on creation and renewal of the world, setting it as the beginning and foundation for a theology of Peace. What follows is the development of the content and importance of peace and justice, as they are presented in the prophets of the O.T. and in the N.T. in the person of Christ. In the end, he speaks about the role of peace in the Divine Liturgy.
Rev. N. Papadopoulos deals with the issue of the agreement or disagreement of sources concerning the martyrdom of Jacob the Brother Jesus, that is to say the Acts of Apostles, Iosipos, Igisippos, the Revelation of Jacob and Clement of Alexandrias. The writer briefly refers to the content of these sources.
S. Agouridis attempts a first approach of the socio-prophetic character of early Christianity and examines whether orthodox Eastern Christianity maintained its initial social and prophetic character after the 4th and 5th centuries or if it took a different direction, dualistic and individualistic. This direction is located by the writer especially with the predominance of monasticism that had accepted a dualistic regard of the world and abandoned its initial collectiveness and spirituality. This tendency passed also in the rest of the church creating a lot of problems and disregarded the early christian eucharistic collectiveness with its intense social and prophetic character. Agouridis closes his article with the question whether the Orthodox Church is ready to discover her lost dynamics and to stress the economic and social injustice and oppression in the modern world.
The Chronicles of the volume follow. Agouridis describes the work of the European Translational Committee of U.B.S that was realised from 7 until 8 September in Rome and the work of biblical congress that was realised in Cyprus in June 1982, on the subject “Saint Writing and Orthodoxy”.