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Galanis Ioannis, Biblical Hermeneutics and Theological Studies

Galanis Ioannis, Biblical Hermeneutics and Theological Studies, Pournaras Press: Thessalonica 2004, pages 792.

The volume is a collection of thirty six (36) studies about hermeneutical and theological issues of the New Testament, often in relation to the Old Testament. These are articles that the writer had first published in journals and honorary volumes or introductions in various conferences and elsewhere over the last twenty years.

          The book is divided in six smaller units, according to the content of the various studies.

            In the first unit, there are studies dealing with general problems of the Holy Scripture, such as: the private use and reading of the Holy Scripture in the Orthodox Tradition, the Holy Scripture in the writings of John Damascenes, the Holy Scripture in the work of Maximus the Confessor and, finally, Nicodemus of Mount Athos (Agioritis) as interpreter of the Holy Scripture.

            In the second unit, there are studies dealing with issues of the whole New Testament, such as: Right-Left. The use of words in the New Testament and its environment, the use of the term “myth” in the New Testament, the meaning of Diaspora in the New Testament; testimony and deaconatein the thought and life of the Fathers of the Eastern Church.

            The third unit includes studies on issues of the Gospels, such as: the miracle of the multiplication of bread and fish in the hermeneutic tradition of the Church; the sotiriology of the Gospels in the spiritual life of the Orthodox Church; the Gospel of Luke in modern research; basic presupposition of being a disciple of Jesus. Hermeneutic approach to Luke 14,26; the hermeneutic principles of Kyrillos of Alexandria in the Gospel of Luke; the “εκδεξιώνκαιεξευωνύμων” (on the right and on the left) in the 25th chapter of Matthew’s Gospel; Virgin Mary in the evangelist John; “τιεστίναλήθεια;” (what is truth?). Comment on John 18, 37-38.

            The fourth unit includes studies on issues of the Epistles of ap. Paul, such as: atheists and idolaters, enemies of God in Paul’s theology; the sighs and pains of the creation and man in Paulian theology; the New Testament background of the relations of man and creation during the devotional act of the Church; ecology and Church; ap. Paul and Thessalonica; the theological character of the interpersonal relations of ap. Paul with the Church of Thessalonica; the theological context of A’ Thess. 5, 15; the “possessor” (κατέχων) and the “possession” (κατέχον) in the B’ Epistle of Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians; «οιμηδένεργαζόμενοιαλλάπεριεργαζόμενοι» (those who do not work, but only loiter) in the Church of Thessalonica. An interpretation of B’ Thess. 3,11-12; Church and world in the Epistle to Colossians by Apostle Paul; «ίδετεπηλίκοιςυμίνγράμμασινέγραψετηεμήχειρί» (you see what a large letter I have written to you) (Gal. 6, 11).

            The fifth unit includes papers on issues of the Acts of the Apostles, such as: the particular chara­cte­ristics in the narration of the Acts about Paul’s transition and work in the Philippi in relation to the writer; the meeting of Christianity with the Gentile and Jewish world in Greece, according to the Acts of the Apostles; a comparative examination of the Acts (17, 1-10) and A’, B’ to Thessalonians about the foundation of the Church of Thessalonica; the contribution of the synagogues of the Jewish diaspora to the propagation of Christianity among the Gentiles; “Greek women…” of Veroia; “and a lot of the respected Greeks…” (καιτωνσεβομένωνΕλλήνωνπλήθοςπολύ…).Τhe meeting of Christianity with the idolatrous world.

            In the last unit, there are studies on issues of John’s Revelation, such as: modern “prophesies” and “revelations” through interpretations and misinterpretations of the book of the Apocalypse; the relation of man and creation, according to John’s Apocalypse.   



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