Kleronomia, Vol. 10, Issue A, January1978, 210 pages.
This volume of Kleronomia includes 9 interesting essays, a bibliographic bulletin and the season’s Chronicles.
Silas Koskinas, Bishop of Amfipolis, studies the teaching of Apostle Paul on eschata. Paul, even though he did not do any systematic composition of Christian teaching, attempts through his epistles to answer to practical problems which troubled the Churches. According to him, salvation has an eschatological orientation but is realized in the present time through the Holy Spirit.
Jean Vafiadis examines in a short work the matter of Love according to Nicolas Kavasilas, which is identified with life in Christ. The terms that are used for love are many (filter, charity, affection, passion, friendship), but God’s love is active only with human will.
Athanasius Papas, Metropolitan of Eleutheroupolis describes in detail the portrait of Cyril Metropolitan of Mitilini, which is at the mansion of the Holy Metropolis of Chalcedon.
P.Drossoyiannis analyzes the characteristics of the frescoes in the region of Virgin Mary Forviotissa Aspou (Nicosia, Cyprus), based on professor’sKurt Weitzmann instructions, in 1106.
TheodoreNormanRussell presents the aspects of Anselm’sHavelberg and Nikita of Nicomedia, in 1136. This constitutes a systematic effort of understanding both sides: East and West. The writer presents the characteristic differences of both sides, as well as their mutual completion in a potential effort to unite the two Churches.
Archimandrite Nafkratios Tsoulkanakis studies the personality of Nikephoros Marthalis, Archbishop of Sinai in the 18th century. He also presents many epistles illustrating his work.
In the pages of DISCUSSIONS Professor Basil Stavridis attempts to evaluate the orthodox participation in the ecumenical movement (1948-1978), while John Romanidis studies the work of Professor Gerasimos Konidaris, related to ecclesiology and bilateral dialogues. There we also find an open epistle of Archbishop Athenagoras Kokkinakis, concerning the ecumenical dialogue of the Orthodox Church (June 1977).
The bibliographic bulletin has many interesting seasonal books. The Chronicles present lectures and documents of the A’ Pre-Assembly Pan-Orthodox Conference (21-30.11.1976).