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Anastasiou Ioannis (ed.) Tradition and Renewal in the Church, Thessaloniki Theologians’ Seminar, no. 6, “Gregorios Palamas” journal publication, Thessaloniki 1972, 206 pages.

The 6th volume of “Thessaloniki Theologians’ Seminar” contains 11 texts on the concept and the role of Tradition and renewal in the life of the Church.

Vasilios Stogiannos examines the relationship of tradition and the Holy Gospel from the religious-historic and historic point of view, with reference to Judaism and Christianity and discusses the historical path from oral tradition to written, ie. the writing of the Holy Gospel.

Ioannis Karavidopoulos presents the views and theology of Saint Paul in relation to tradition and its renewal through epistles, while highlighting the way in which he renewed the initial message and the tradition of the first Church.

Dimitrios Tsamis discusses the definition of the meaning of tradition and the way in operates in the light of the teaching of the Church Fathers, stressing the practice of the parallel insistence on the nucleus of revelation and the dynamic of its interpretation in the Holy Spirit.

Georgios I. Matzaridis describes the relationship of saint Gregory Palamas with Orthodox Tradition and presents the correct way of introduction in the flow of tradition and the liberty of theological creation emanating from this introduction, according to the example of saint Gregory.

Antonios Papadopoulos aims through the examination of history and the Orthodox Church, to present tradition in its substance and the way it is continually renewed up to our time.

Konstantinos Papoulidis examines and presents some of the most basic views of G. Florovski, A. Schmemann and O. Clement in relation to the concept and the nature of the Patristic Tradition and the renewal of the Church’s mission, as they appear in their written works.

Thomas M. Provatakis deals with the issue of Orthodox art and its relationship with tradition and researches the origin of the first and the elements on which it was based, as well as the fidelity or its departure from these during its moulding and its final form.

Nikolaos A. Matsoukas researches the issue of dialectics of the past and present in the life of the Church, focusing mostly on forms of conflict and suggesting reconciliation of the two sides for the development and the promotion of a life of tradition and the Church.

Pantelis Lialiambis refers to the issue of the wider antagonism of generations and its relationship with the ecclesiastical tradition and the demand for renewal within it.

Ioannis L. Dymon presents the rationale and the views of the Roman Catholic Church for the concept of tradition and renewal of the Church as expressed in the B’ Vatican Convocation, examining at the same time two of renewals that came about as a result of its decisions.

The last text of the volume is authored by Georgios A. Tsananas, who looks at certain changes and theological trends in modern Protestantism as real renewal, through the apposition of the theology of top theologians who were instrumental to this regenerative course.


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