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Bulletin of Biblical Studies 5, Volume 2, June 1973, pp. 1-88.

 The 5th volume, June 1973, of the Bulletin of Biblical Studies contains three (3) articles.

             Pr. Agouridis examines the dramatic and poetic elements of the Revelation of John. For the writer the drama and the poetry in the Revelation are not simply literal forms of the message of John, but they are connected substantially with the nature and the character of the message, that is to say with the particular historical and existential situation that is tied up with this message. In this frame Agouridis analyses systematically the dramatic content of Revelation of John.

             H.Schlier’s present article constitutes the second and last part of his article on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The writer analyses here the importance and the meaning of various terms, as “empty monument”, “the appearance of the Risen Jesus” etc, which describe and attribute the importance and the meaning of Resurrection. Finally, he makes a particular reference in the importance of the Resurrection according to the New Testament in general.

             P. Vassiliadisexamines the problem of the sources of Gospel of Mark. Initially the writer presents the conclusions of the newer scientific research concerning Mark’s sources. Afterwards he attempts an analysis of some verses of 13th chapter in which there is present one of the sources of Mark, called “sees” – words, that is the verses that begin with the characteristic introductive prefix “you see”. It follows an analysis of the main characteristics of these words, their language and finally there is an analysis about the total character of the particular source.

             A news letter follows where I. Fafalios attempts a historical review about the United Biblical Societies and their work. In this frame are described the conditions of the birth of the Societies and follows a presentation of their services to the Churches with particular reference to the translation of the Bible, the printed production and their wide circulation and distribution all over the world. I. Fafalos describes also the growth of modern Biblical movement and the modern ways and methods of work of the Biblical Societies.

             The volume closes with the reviews of modern Greek and foreigner books.

Bulletin of Biblical Studies, vol. 2, December 1973, issue 6, pp. 91-182.

     The 6th issue, December 1973, of the Bulletin of Biblical Studies contains three (3) articles.

     I. Panagopoulos examines the issue of Christology in the N.T.. First, the writer describes the problem of Christology in the N.T. and refers to the attempts made to solve it by younger biblical scientists who focused their interest on the issue of the relations between Jesus of history and Christ of faith. Afterwards, he analyses the central idea of the evangelic tradition as well as the one of the Church’s first preaching; the Church interprets and grounds genesis, the formation and historical evolution of Christology in the N.T. It is about that basic idea, which refers to the innermost and living relation of Jesus to God, meaning that Jesus talks of God as his own Father while presenting himself as his only Son. In this context does the writer examine the “first” Christology and its frame; the “christology” of the primordial preaching follows and last comes the comparison of different christological titles.

    S. Agouridis examines the meaning and the content of the term “Son of Man” in the book of Enoch. The writer first presents the contemporary biblical scientific problematic on the text and term while, continuing, he tries to analyse and explain the crucial chapters of the Parables in the book of Enoch, where the term appears. From this specific analysis comes about the fluidity in the use of the term and its meaning. The “Son of Man” in the book of Enoch means something directly related to the history of God’s people, to their suffering and future glory.  

   A. Koumantos performs a short presentation of the manuscript number 23 of the Holy Convent of Christ’s Transfiguration at Meteora, Thessalia. The text of the manuscript is titled “Apollinario’s interpretation in the Psalms”. The writer dealt with it because he thinks it contains a text unknown until then. Koumantos examines the degree to which this particular text is connected with a text that bears the same title and the same author’s name, found in the Greek Patrology of Migne, 33, 1313-1538. In this context the author presents the problems that arise from the comparison of the two texts and their relation to each other.

    The Chronicles of the journal come next. J. Dupont presents the works of the Biblical Symposium of the Colloquim Biblicum Lovaniense, which took place from the 22nd until the 24th of August 1973 under the topic: “Jesus and the genesis of christology”.

    S. Agouridis presents the works of the 28th General Assembly of Studiorum Novi Testament Societas, which took place in Southampton, England from the 29th of August until September 1st 1973.

    The issue closes with reviews of modern Greek and foreign books.

Bulletin of Biblical Studies, Volume 2, June 1974, issue 7, pp. 183-270.

The June 1974 volume of the Bulletin of Biblical Studies contains three (3) articles.

             Savas Agouridis annotates the Sermon on the Mount. The present article is the first part of his study, the introduction. He presents and analyses the literal and historical problems of the Sermon on the Mount. In this frame he focuses, with regard to the first category of problems, on the question of the composition of Jesus speeches in the Gospel of Mathew and particularly on the composition of the Sermon on the Mount. With regard to the second category of problems he gives emphasis in the historical reasons and factors that prompted Mathew in this composition. Then follows the presentation and analysis of the theological problems of the Sermon on the Mount. This problem has two parts. The first part is connected with the question: what precisely wanted Jesus by making this speech, while the other is connected with the relation of Jesus’ aim with the objectives of the common people and society. The writer analyses systematically the problem. The article is continued in the next volume.

             St. Papadopoulos writes about the relation of elders, reported by Papia of Ierapolis, with the Apostles, and investigates the authenticity or not of that tradition. Simultaneously he evaluates Papia’s contribution as shepherd and writer. St. Papadopoulos at the beginning examines Papia’s relation with the Apostles, a problem that arises from the testimonies of Irenaeus and historian Eusebius. He also attempts to evaluate the reliability or not of Eusebius testimony for Papia. Finally, the writer supports that Papia was not nor a disciple of Apostles, nor saved genuinely “words” of Jesus, but on the contrary, he gave faith in elders who did not follow the authentic apostolic tradition and the authentic apostolic preaching.

              G. Patronos analyses the meaning of terms “apostle” and “mission” in New Testament. The first part of his article is constituted by clarifications, concerning the use and the importance of the terms in New Testament. In the second part the writer  investigates the particular meanings of the biblical theological term “apostle”, in order to interpret the essential content of the term “mission”, which in the frame of New Testament has a fundamental soteriological significance for the work and the role of the Church. According to the above, he is referring succinctly to the basic characteristics of the term “apostle” and “apostolicity”. Thus he examines the issue of the calling, which is held by the God, an election and a calling up that takes place for the shake of the Church, of the resurrection of Christ as a starting point but also as a central element of apostolicity, of the historical importance of apostolic power and of the eschatological under­standi­ng of apostolic mission and finally, of martyrdom as the aim and the end of apostolic life.

             In Chronicles, it is described the work of the Fifth International Congress of Biblical Studies of Oxford, that took place in Oxford, 3 - 7 September 1973.

             The volume closes with reviews of modern Greek and foreigner books.

Bulletin of Biblical Studies, Vol. 2, December 1974, issue 8, pp. 271-370.

             The 8th volume, December 1974, of the Bulletin of Biblical Studies contains three (3) articles.

             The article of S. Agouridis is the continuation of an article in the precedent volume of the DBM (cf. Vol. 2, June 1972, issue 7). In the beginning the writer presents the diagram that will follow in the commentary on the text of the Speech on the Mountain. The introduction follows, where the issue examined is, on the one hand, who the members of the new kingdom are and what their mission in the world is. More specifically, the author analyses who constitute the new people of God, the characteristics of the new people of God, the struggle between the old and new people and the triumph of the new one, the mission of the new people of God into the world. On the other hand, the content of the Speech is explored, that is to say, the by the new justice. Moreover, the central theme of the Speech is examined analytically. Thus, the new justice and the rabbi explanation of Law are analysed and at the same time, the substance of this new justice is clarified with five examples. In addition, the new justice and the hypocritical devotion are examined and the practical exercise of new justice is elucidated with three examples. Finally, new justice in the light of material goods and the daily cares is explored and the practical exercise of new justice is illuminated with two examples. At this point, the second part of the article of S. Agouridis is completed.

             G. Gratseas stresses the issue of renewal of members of Essaies in the Qumran communities and particularly the way that this renewal is achieved. In this frame, the writer assembles and categorises the data of sources that are refer to that particular subject and describes the five ways in which the communities were renewed. These are: adoption of individuals of small age, children of married Essaies, voluntarily participation of adults, individuals suffered great misfortune and special cases, and finally, registration of members that had been removed or erased by the catalogues of the communities. The study closes with an effort of description of the process of introduction of new members, according to the information that is contained both in the work of Iosipos and the essaie manuscripts, mainly, in the Handbook of Discipline and the Damascus Text. In the end of his study, Gratseas composes a diagram of relative formal provision on the entry of new members.

            B.Englezakis supports that the character of the Markion parables is not the dissimulation of the content of Jesus’ teaching, but a pedagogic process of preparation for the coming of the kingdom of God, so that there is time even for those who did not manage to comprehend its meaning and content from the beginning.

             The volume closes with book-reviews of contemporary greek and foreign books.


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