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Thriskeiologia – Holy/profane, issue 1, October-December 2000, pp. 176.

The first issue of Thriskeiologia – Holy/Profane (Review of the Science of Religions) includes 13 articles.

            The first part of the magazine (“Traditional Religions”) consists of four articles.

            D. Arkadas attempts a retrospective presentation of the meaning of God’s Judgment in the apocalyptic literature of early Judaism. At fist he examines the meaning of Judgment before the prophets and then in the early and main apocalyptic literature.

            C. Terezis approaches the problem of the notion of Beginning in Christian cosmology and its relationship to the ancient greek one, based on some views of Basil the Great as presented in a text from his work On Creation.

            M. Skoulas examines the intercultural and interreligious interaction between Judaism, Christianity and paganism in Asia Minor, focusing on the adoption by Christianity of the notion of the Holy Burial Space in the course of time.

            A. Florou presents first in brief the historical evolution of Bektasism in Albania and then its relation to the Albanian national identity.

            The second part of the magazine is dedicated to the theme “The death of God”. It consists of 5 articles.

            It starts with an abstract from the book of S. Kyriazopoulos, Prolegomena to the question about God (1960), which underlines that the mentality of objectification of God, i.e. the theological scholarship itself, is responsible for the “Death of God”.

            G. Tsiantis, referring to the famous saying of Nietze, examines the context in which it was said and understood, that of “European nihilism”, as well as the consequences of the rejection of metaphysics.

            F. Terzakis presents in brief the idea of the “death of God” in the philosophy of Hegel, Nietze and Heidegger, as well as the critical approach of Adorno to the meaning and content of “dead God”.

            A. Nikolaides focuses on the dialectic relationship between the feeling of the “death of God” and the “European Civilisation”.

            P. Karamouzis describes the secularization of the Church in the West and the exile of God and presents the positions of the main representatives of the “theology of the death of God” as well as the consequences of their theology.

            There follows the third part of the magazine, “Contemporary Expressions of Holy”.

            D. Bekridakis presents the asymptote of the two iconological approaches of the Orthodox tradition, the digital and the iconographic.

            ThearticlebyD. Adrachtas – part I in this issue – refers to the mystical reading of the traditional philosophy, as attempted by W. James. In this article we find the case study and some elements around the role of mysticism in the life and work of W. James.

            S. Rozanis analyses the political double meaning of the contemporary version of Jewish messianism.

            C. Tsironis examines the globalization of economy, analyses the moral dilemmas and the clash of values that this context generates.

            The issue closes with the “Pages of Dialogue”

Thriskeiologia – Holy/Profane, issue 2, January – March 2001, pp. 208.


            The second issue, January – March 2001, of Thriskeiologia magazine–Holy/Profane includes 14 articles.

            The first part of the magazine (“Chronicles of Religious Studies”) consists of 2 articles.

            V. Adrachtas presents the basic theoretical scheme, the notion of holy revelation, through which M Eliade understands the repigious phenomenon.

            D. Bekridakis approaches in an introductory way the main views of E.From on religion and its relation to psychoanalysis and evaluates his views on religion from the point of view of Religious Studies.

            There follows the second part of the magazine (“Traditional Religions”) with 4 articles.

            A. Sakellarides examines the position of Heraclites in the theological field, especially concerning the cleansing rituals and religious rites.

            S Rozanis presents how the Septuangite reflects the relations and interaction between the jewish spirit and the Hellenistic era.

            D. Oulis focuses on the dialectic between law and freedom in the work of St Symeon the new theologian, demonstrating the inadequacy of the one-sided idealistic reading of the texts.

            M. Vardis presents in brief the life, work and teaching of the western mystic theologian M. Eckhart. At the end of the article he quotes in greek some abstracts of his works.

            The third part of the magazine is dedicated to the theme “a 2000-years-old God”, and includes 5 articles.

            It starts with an abstract, in greek, from the work of Ch. Guignebert, Jésus, LaRenaissanceduLivre, referring to the meaning of the name “Jesus” and the explanation “of Nazareth”.

            Then we find abstract in a unified form and in greek, from the work of J. Pelikan, JesusThroughtheCenturies, HisPlaceintheHistoryofCulture, 1999. In that text we find different views that the western civilization has concerning Jesus.

            D. Arkadas attempts a brief record of the history of research on “Historical Jesus” and of the priorities and criteria of contemporary western, mainly protestant, hermeneutics.

            P. Karamouzis presents E. Froms psychosocial and psychopolitical interpretation of the early doctrine of Jesus.

            S. Papadopoulos refers to the Incarnation of the Word of God as the foundation of existential transformation of human being.

            Next we find the fourth part of the magazine (“Contemporary Expressions of Holy”), which includes three articles.

            V. Arachtas’ text is the second part of his article on the role of mysticism in W. James. Here he examines the influences, the intellectual relations, the demands of that time and James’ interest on mysticism.

            Then, as an article for a new release, we read the first two chapters from the book of A. Paparizos, God, Power and religious conscience, (2001).

            G. Tsiantis presents and analyses Heidegger’s views on the issue of death.

            The issue closes with the “Pages of Dialogue – Book reviews”.

Thriskeiologia – Holy/Profane, issue 3, April – June 2002, pp. 240.

The third issue, April – June 2002, of Thriskeiologia magazine – Holy/Profane includes 13 articles.

            The first part of the magazine (“Chronicles of Religious Studies”) consists of 3 articles.

            The issue is dedicated to Socrates and G. Tsiantis looks into the philosopher’s peculiar Politics, based on his unified Ethical and Political stance.

            The issue is also dedicated to N. Louvaris, and N. Kritharas attempts a brief approach to his thinking in relation to the encounter between religion and art.

            Following that, we find an abstract from N. Louvaris’ book, Symposium of Saints, with regard to the essence of religion as a psychological phenomenon.

            The second part of the magazine (“Traditional Religions”) consists of 3 articles.

            A. Boletsis studies the case of Sacred Kingdom in Hawaii in the particular historical, social, political and aesthetical tradition of the region, underlining at the same time the problems of such an effort.

            C. Terezis and G Fyskilis are examining to what extend some of Heracletus’ views can be seen in the light of Christian teaching, or can be examined together in a common frame.

            M. Vardis offers a brief presentation of the debate between the “liberal” and the “traditional” in Greece during the 19th century.

            The third part of the magazine is dedicated to the theme “Racism – The different colours of religion” and includes 3 articles.

            V. Adrachtas is interested in the way in which post-captivity Judaism had disambiguated its basic beliefs related to racism, after the experience of exile.

            P. Karamouzis analyzes the Encyclical Letter of the Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate (1872) that condemned nationalism, after presenting the general political and religious dimension of the greek and Bulgarian nationalism in the 19th century.

            G. Makris examines the racial differentiations within the Muslim communities of the Middle East and Africa from the emergence of Islam till today.

            The fourth part of the magazine, “Contemporary Expressions of the Sacred” consists of 4 articles.

            D. Bekridakis presents the views on death found in the general context of the religious beliefs of New Age.

            D. Oulis underlines the double meaning and the division of the rationality of the Enlightenment, while introducing apophatism as the condition that leads to an open, eschatological reading of the history.

            The text by V. Adrachtas is the third part of his article on the role of mysticism in W. James. Here he examines the features of the mystical experience according to James, as well as his remarks on the truth of mysticism.

            Ch. Selahvartzi studies the Islamic fundamentalism through the success of the phenomenon of Ayatollah Homeini, who managed to combine the political realism of sounis with the sentimentalism of shiis.

            The issue closes with the “Pages for Dialogue – Book Reviews”.

Thriskeiologia – Holy/Profane, issue 4, June – August 2003, pp. 184.


            The fourth issue, June – August 2003, of magazine Thriskeiologia–Holy/Profane magazine includes 9 articles.

            The first part of the magazine (“Chronicles of Religious Studies”) consists of 2 articles.

            G. Tsiantis presents on the one hand the translations of C. Malevitsis and on the other hand elements of his personal philosophical work, focusing mainly on a basic category of his thought, the religiosity.

            V. Adrachtas deals with the problem of syncretism, analyzing it from a historiographical and etymological point of view, while at the same time he attempts a positive hermeneutical approach of the inter-religious encounter through a new understanding of the term.

            The second part of the magazine on “Traditional Religions” has two articles.

            I. Lewis offers us an anthropological/religious study of the phenomenon of ecstatic crisis, spirits’ possession, shamanism and sex through contemporary and historical examples.

            In this first part of his article, V. Kostopoulos presents the cosmological and theological-biblical presuppositions in order one to understand Augustine’s theory on time and eternity.

            The third part of the magazine, “Contemporary Expressions of Sacred”, includes 4 articles.

            D. Arkadas analyzes the unhistorical, unreasonable and eclectic character of the “therapeutic” reading of holiness and attempts to approach it in a new way, a political reading of holiness.

            D. Oulis focuses on the routes of the reservation of the church against the language and the problems of philosophy and points out ways in which a certain use of it could contribute in a creative way in its contemporary word.

            D. Bekridakis presents the different views and understandings of Jesus in the New Age movement and the new dominant religiosity with the strong syncretistic trends.

            The text by V. Adrachtas is the fourth and last part of his article on the role mysticism in the thought of W. James. Here he examines the role of mysticism in the biographies of James and the contradiction of his theory of knowledge with the traditional philosophy.

            C. Arvanitis presents the way in which science-technology and theological thinking are approaching ecology and suggests the reflection of the eschatological experience and dimension in order to reinstate the foundations of research within the aims of human community.

            The issue closes with the “Pages for Dialogue – Book Reviews”.


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