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Kleronomia, Vol. 11, Issue B, July 1979, 587 pages.

This volume of Kleronomia includes 13 theological essays, a bibliographic bulletin and the season’s Chronicles.

J.Overbeck analyzes in English the theological aspects of the 6th century in regard to the terms “The God” (deus a se) and “God” (deus pro nobis). The first term is connected to the meaning of super-substantiality and the second term with the meaning of Theanthrope (God-man). The above analysis is based on the thought of Origen.

K.Mitsakis analyzes linguistically,in English, the Akathist Hymn. He also examines and interprets elements of the text of Romanos Melodos.

Ch.Abbot-Matthew G.Chapman studies in English the “First Apologetic to those who slander the Holy Icons” of Saint John Damascene. A similar passages was also in Klironomia vol. 8 (1976) 306-328.

Constantine Tsirplanis studies, in English, questions regarding to the Virgin Mary (Mariology) in the work of Nicolas Kavasilas (1322-1396/7).

Angelo Amato examines in Italian three texts about the penitence of PatriarchJeremias  B’ (1576, 1579, 1581).

Theodore Zisis researches the life of Saint Paraskevi Epivatini, sister of Saint Efthimios Mirovlitou, Bishop of Maditon in the 10th century and also cites all her unpublished Canon of prayers.

John Tavlakis, in his short study, examines a manuscript (Mn. A76) of the Holy Abbey of Megisti Lavra (Mount Athos) and the background of its re-establishment.

Vassiliki Katsarou studies also a manuscript (Mn 1) of the Holy Abbey of Varnakovas (Naupactos). She explores its content and origin and comments on historical and topographic matters.

Michael Kordosis presents Greek old manuscripts of the palace’s spaces at the Abbey of Pantokratoras in Mount Athos.

Athanasios Papas, Metropolitan of Elenoupolis, describes a Gospel’s cover while Constantine Papoulidis presents a systematic work of three unpublished epistles of Economouwith Alexander Stroutzas and his sister Loxandra Stroutzou, wife of CountSolling.

Silas Koskinas, Bishop of New Yemen, extensively illustrates the role of the Ecumenical Patriarchate as a cultural power in America, and also describes elements of the Greek communities, the contribution of the lay element as well as educational and ecclesiastical unity’s matters in the American Church.

Finally,George Papadimitriou in the pages DISCUSSIONS, presents in Englis the third International Conference of Orthodox Theologians in America (28-31.8.1978).

The bibliographic bulletin presents many seasonal books. The Chronicles give information on the work of the Patriarchal Institution of Patristic Studies and more ecclesiastic news.

Kleronomia, Vol. 12, Issue A, January 1980, 233 pages.

This volume of Kleronomia includes 8 interesting essays and a bibliographic bulletin.

N. Papadopoulos publishes three liturgical notes referring to the history of the ancient Church. The first is an extract from the prayer of the Alexandrian liturgy of the 3rd century; the second is the ordination of Saint Gregory, Bishop of Neokaisaria and the third, the ordination of Alexandria’s Bishop in the 2nd century. Experts on the Liturgy are very interested in the above notes.

Constantine Tsirpanlis studies from a biblical, philosophical and theological point of view, the question of the universal salvation – reinstatement of all- in the work of Saint Gregory of Nyssa.

Archimandrite Amfilohios presents the virtuous life of Christians in Christ, based on Gerontikon (Book of the Elders).

George Bergotis examines the meaning of time and especially the importance of calendar and liturgical time, in Christians’ life, from a pedagogical point of view.

Thanasis Papazotou, in his short article, explores the historical and archaeological testimonies of the Abbey of Sarabari (Mount Athos) in relation to the three big coenobitic groups of Megisti Lavra, Lavra of Iviron and Batopediou.

George Papazoglou presents an unpublished speech of the known Cretan scholar (16th century), monk Meletios Vlasios, with the title “Speech on Christ’s Holy Sacraments”, written in the Cretan language of that time.

Basil Stavridis presents a rich bibliography on Church History and P.K. Christou, through the pages of DISCUSSIONS, presents the work of professor N. Matsoukas about Maximus the Confessor.

Lat we find a bibliographic bulletin with interesting seasonal books.

Kleronomia, Vol. 12, Issue B, July 1980, 504 pages.

This volume of Kleronomia includes 9 theological essays, a bibliographic bulletin and the season’s Chronicles.

Johannes Panagopoulos studies in German the Church’s prophetic charisma. The above text is the writer’s lecture at the 4th International Congress of Law Society of Eastern Churches (Regensburg, 19-24.9.1978).

Panagiotis Christou examines the anthropology in Saint Maximus the Confessor, mainly through the terms uncreated-created, nature and person, incarnation-theosis, as well as the perpetual position of creatures, movement which means change and alteration.

Nicolas Tzirakis reviews the teaching of transubstantiation in the Western Church (Transsubstantiatio), describing the West’s theological efforts in the West in regard to the question of Eucharistic theology.

Philip Gabriel Philippidis studies the legal status of the property of the Holy Abbeys at Mount Athos. He also describes the legal rights, from the Ottoman Empire up to our days.

Thanasis Papazotou presents in his short article, old-type temples of the 18th century in Veria.

Vassiliki Katsarou analyzes a manuscript of the code 33 of the Wake collectionin the Church of Christ in Oxford, which informs us that the manuscript was written in 1172 at the Abbey of “Saint Nicola the spileotos, or else Kremastos”.

Athanasios Karathanasis corrects another article of his, which was published in Klironomia vol. 10 (1978) 251-257, in regard to the writer of the speeches, which are found in the Codes 410 and 565 at the library of the Rumanian Academy.

John Tavlakis presents the document of the Abbey of Koutloumousiou, about its transformation in Coenobium (September 1856). Athanasios Papas, Metropolitan of Elenoupoli, analytically presents the decoration of the Synodical at the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

The bibliographic bulletin includes many seasonal books. The Chronicles give us information about the work of the Patriarchal Institution of Patristic Studies and other church news.

Kleronomia, Vol. 13, Issue A, January 1981, 228 pages.

This issue of Kleronomia includes 9 interesting studies on St Basil the Great and book reviews.

Athanasios Aggelopoulos studies the reasons behind the prominent role that St Basil has in the minds and hearts of Greek people. According to the writer, this is due to the fact that St Basil in many ways formed the spiritual life and folk heritage of the Greek people.

J. Coman presents (in French) elements of anthropology in the work of St Basil. He focuses on the theme of creation, the human being made of body and soul and the theosis of man.

Theodoros Zisis presents the influence of Saint Basil the Great on monasticism. Basil did not only present numerous ascetical writings on the lives of the monks, but he managed to combine the two forms of monastic life, the hermit and the communal.

G. Heckelpresents (inGerman) theinfluenceof Saint BasiltheGreatand his place in the hagiography of the Evangelical Church.

Monk Athanasios Jevtic makes an analytical description of the different conflicts during the first Ecumenical Council and the way in which Saint Basil the Great helped theologically.

KonstantinosKallinikospresentsthehistoricalreasonsthat led to the Schism in Antioch. ThearticlepresentstheeffortsofStBasiland St Athanasios for the reconciliation among the different groups in Nicea.

Christos Krikonis analyzes St Basil’s views on the tradition of the Church. According to St Basil, anything written or oral given by the Apostles constitutes the written and oral tradition of the Church.

Constantine N. Tsirpanlis studies (in English) the theology of Saint Basil the Great on Pneumatology (De Spiritu Sancto) emphasizing on the notions “homotimia, homoousia, nature and theosis”.

Finally, PanagiotisChristouattemptsapresentationofStBasil’sviewonthecommunion of Churches. Saint Basilinsistsonthehumananddivine nature of Christ, being the head and the faithful being the body, both shaping the Church.

Finally followsabriefreviewof interesting books of the time.


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